My eyelid skin cancer journey.

  • Back to normal and lacrimal duct.


    It's such a luxury being able to do everything again:

    • washing my hair in the shower instead of going to the hair dresser
    • being out in the rain without worrying about getting my eye wet
    • doing masses of gardening - so much to catch up on.

    Wonderful and for the moment, I'm taking the normality of life much less for granted.

    My watery eye worse first thing in morning. Hasn't been evident…

  • Lucky first review since operation.


    I saw the Specialist Nurse.

    • She checked my eyesight which has remained unchanged. As I haven't had an eyelid reconstruction, I can get glasses made up to my new prescription any time I want at my opticians. (My optician had warned me that eyelid surgery might change my prescription and take a while to settle and recommended prior to surgery that I delay getting my new prescription, which is only slightly different…
  • Getting back to normal.


    For the first time since I was told I needed a total excision biopsy, I feel back to normal as far as emotions are concerned. I have felt this when being busy socialising and walking. But this morning just pottering on my own, it came to me how relaxed and grounded I feel and happy too. My mind is now concentrating on normal, everyday things while pottering about rather than having thoughts of cancer lurking there in…

  • Second thoughts at 4 in the morning.


    Another night wakening. Have I done the right thing? I definitely should have asked more questions. The outcomes I particularly wanted to avoid at the outset of treatment for my BCC were: a watery eye, a droopy eyelid, an eyelid that turns out showing its red rim. I specifically run the risks of all these developing as my eyelid contracts through the healing process. Except that I have already got a watery eye. The risk…

  • Good news.


    My 3rd operation appointment.

    In the event I have been very lucky indeed. I turned up for surgery today. I'd been told that if further tissue had to be removed as well as the eyelid reconstruction, I'd be there all afternoon. I was prepped ready for surgery: blood pressure taken, hospital wrist bracelets on, allergies noted and then a doctor came in and took a look at my eyelid. I learnt that the lab results were…