Good news.

2 minute read time.

My 3rd operation appointment.

In the event I have been very lucky indeed. I turned up for surgery today. I'd been told that if further tissue had to be removed as well as the eyelid reconstruction, I'd be there all afternoon. I was prepped ready for surgery: blood pressure taken, hospital wrist bracelets on, allergies noted and then a doctor came in and took a look at my eyelid. I learnt that the lab results were clear. Then the consultant looked at my eyelid and said it had healed so well that I didn't need an eyelid reconstruction. The doctor said that she was amazed because from a drawing of it in my medical notes it had looked much bigger. I had measured my lesion before the biopsy using a vanity magnifying mirror and a ruler and calculated it was 3.5 mm diameter. Therefore I figured that with clear margins of 3mm all round this would mean about a 1cm diameter hole in my eyelid. After the surgery last week it looked as though only 5mm had been removed at the wound's widest point. I think that the lesion must have looked wider than it was because it was inflamed and had a keratin horn on top.

I was advised that my eyelid may droop a little, further down the line, because the healing process will draw the edges of the wound together. Once it's scabbed a bit more, I'll need to massage it with Vaseline in the direction of my tear duct at the inner corner of my eye. If it does droop and affect my tear duct, making my eye watery, then he'll do something about it further down the line. He advised that that's better than doing it now which would mean my whole eyelid being reconstructed. I can now go on holiday abroad at the end of September :) which before it was thought I would have to cancel. Hooray!

My appointment next week to review the surgery has been postponed until the following week. It will replace the appointment to remove stitches which I no longer need. And I'll be able to drive myself to the appointment :).

I just need to find out how I know that my eyelid wound has scabbed enough to start massaging it. I'm sure that the CMS nurses will be able to help me with this one.

Only one more week to go of being off sport, gardening etc. and then I'll be able to wash my hair for myself too :).

My relatives are thrilled and relieved that it's gone so well.

My kind friend who has supported me through the process, accompanying me to appointments, said that the best bit of being involved for her was seeing the broad smile on the consultant's face and the doctor's and all the other staff at the good news.

