Young mother with breast cancer

  • Results day


    I have had to wait three weeks for the results of the re-excision and sentinel lymph node biopsy. Christmas was a useful distraction, although there was a big black cloud hanging over everything, and I was constantly reminded about the cancer by the pain in my arm.

    The consultant immediately said it was good news, that the results had come back clear. The lymph node result was what I was dreading most as the presence…

  • A week on from re-excision


    It's now a week since I had the re-excision. I've been up and down emotionally and physically and I feel that recovery hasn't been as smooth this time. Trying to get out for walks, but feeling couped up and frustrated all the same. The lymph node biopsy site is still quite painful, but the re-excision site is ok. It didn't help that I fell down the stairs and hurt my good arm quite badly! My parents have been here to…

  • Surgery 9 December


    This operation was to remove the rest of the lump and to check the lymph nodes for signs of cancer. I had the same surgeon.

    The operation went well. They kept me in overnight because the operation had taken place late in the day and they needed to observe me.

    Like last time I came round afterwards feeling as if I'd had a satisfying sleep! Back on the ward however I started crying uncontrollably... think it was a lot…

  • The back story


    At the time this begins, August 2016, I was 34, married with three children aged 8, 4 and 1. I was a passionate breastfeeding advocate and homeschooling mother.

    I was breastfeeding my one year old little boy and was increasingly sore on one side. I thought it was thrush, so I went to the GP who prescibed me something for thrush but he wasn't convinced that is what it was. He had a feel of my breast and noticed a lump…

  • Introduction


    I have been keeping a blog elsewhere to keep family and friends up to date with how I'm getting on with my breast cancer treatment. However, I would like to share my story with fellow sufferers so have come to the Macmillan site. I will be copying across my previous posts from that blog which means the dates will not be accurate, but at least the story will be.

    Hope it is helpful to somebody.