The Butterfly Who Flapped Too Hard

  • Pain - some thoughts, experiences, and musings

    I was asked my opinion on pain on another blog post, in one of the comments - and I thought that the reply warranted its own post. So, here we are.

    Pain, sucks.

    It's really that simple, and in my own opinion, I'd say it's the worst thing about this disease when it's all looked at as a whole. For myself, the pain is what's stopping me from; going out and doing things, cleaning my house, enjoying things when I am out…

  • Good intentions gone wrong

    So, I think I've mentioned before about feeling like friends have dropped me like a hot potato since I was diagnosed, and a couple of days ago I learnt about a possible reason why it may feel like this. In fact, in the last week or so, I've learnt of a couple of reasons now I think about it...... and I'm not sure how to feel about it.

    The first is what people didn't feel like they could talk to me about their…

  • All bunged up!

    I'm sure you can guess from the title what this post is going to be about..... YUP! Constipation!

    So, you've got cancer, you've maybe got a surgery or two to go through, and then treatment to endure. Then comes all of the side effects from those, be it; pain, lethargy, nausea, dizziness, drop in appetite, bits not working as they once did. There's the stress and concern over what this means for your future, and any…

  • The pay-off

    So, if you follow my blog in order then a couple of things..... 1 - you weirdo! 2 - I'm sorry! 3 - you'll know I was heading out last night. If you don't follow my blog and have just come across it.... 1 - Run away! 2 - I went out last night. lol

    It's the first time out since my latest RAI, which I'm still suffering from. Naps are once again the majority of my life, and everything I want to do around the…

  • I'm going to be rich!!!

    New business idea!

    I've come across a very strong and powerful source of natural gas that's totally renewable. If I can find a way to harvest it, and make it usable for the grid.... I'd be a millionaire!

    Kitten farts! Totally the way forward! I've never come across a gas so pungent, and so frequently excreted!

    Let the money roll in..... or I'd settle for a gas mask..... heck, air freshener would do…