I'm going to be rich!!!

Less than one minute read time.

New business idea!

I've come across a very strong and powerful source of natural gas that's totally renewable. If I can find a way to harvest it, and make it usable for the grid.... I'd be a millionaire!

Kitten farts! Totally the way forward! I've never come across a gas so pungent, and so frequently excreted!

Let the money roll in..... or I'd settle for a gas mask..... heck, air freshener would do right now!!

(Just an amusing moment as I lie gasping for fresh air on the couch that I figured I'd share.)

  • FormerMember

    OMG that really made me laugh out loud..... how could such a cute kitty produce such potent gas lol....such a gorgeous cat, looks very similar to my cat Pixie, is she a Bengal or part Bengal?

  • That's the one I refer to as Stinkbug here. Lol. He's just really really bad tonight, and I'm not sure why. He's now.... almost 6 months old. Lol. And his Mum certainly wasn't bengal, but who knows what his Dad was. Lol. His mum was found stray and pregnant and rescued, then I took him in at the end of last year as Snugglebug needed a playmate. Lol.

    I'll need to see if I can get a pic of Snugglebug and Ladybug up too tomorrow. XD

  • FormerMember

    Oh right I'm with you now, great names, yes would love to see the other two.....x

  • FormerMember

    Cats you should share your life and bed with two Chihuahuas omg they can gas me out in no time I really wouldn't be without them both and there Snoring is mega loud lol

    Daughter as three Cats and definitely know when the two kittens go T time they not aloud out as yet to young and need there bits doing otherwise Toby will be a right grumpy old cat two females is enough for him Stevie Nicks and Frankie pissypants don't ask lol .....xxx Caz xxx

  • My cat, Buddy likes to fart when he’s all snuggled up beside me — and then he leaves Joy she’s beautiful.