The Butterfly Who Flapped Too Hard

  • These title things are hard!

    When it comes to the title of these posts, that's where I like to be creative. It's the one piece of a post that's made up, and I like to be a bit creative with them - like the title of the whole blog - but today, there is no creativity for a title. Today, there's just a load of emotions that keep on escaping out of my eyes. I think it's mostly exhaustion that's going on, but there's a load of bad news being piled on…

  • Ups and Downs

    This weekend has been full of ups and downs really.

    I was invited out to the theatre with friends on Friday, but unfortunately had to cancel as there was no way my spasming body could sit in a theatre seat for 3 ish hours. Yup, spasms are new. lol. They were bad on Friday, with it feeling like someone had plugged my back into the mains for a few seconds, which even made me cry out with the shock and pain. I'd have laughed…

  • I'm now part Lizard!

    You might laugh, but it's true! I think the radiation has indeed mutated me - finally - but stillno signs of super powers, unless they've yet to develop.

    So, I used to always be too hot. It didn't matter what the weather was doing, or where I was, I was always toasty warm. Snowing? Perfect temp for walking around in a short sleeved top. I even went to the ice bar in Oslo a few years ago, and was too warm and…

  • What's the buzz, tell me what's a happenin'

    Sod's Law! Made plans to go and sit in a garden on Friday and it was overcast and drizzling. Then Saturday and Sunday? Bright glorious sunshine.

    I still went though, and took Stinkbug with me. He absolutely loved it! Had his little purple jacket on, attached the lead to it, and then pottered around for about an hour and a half. I live in a terraced street with very small gardens at only one side of the street. So…

  • Bicycle bicycle bicycle

    "I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
    I want to ride my bicycle
    I want to ride my bike
    I want to ride my bicycle
    I want to ride it where I like"

    But I can't.

    1 - It's upstairs in the attic bedroom.

    2 - It's broken and needs a good seeing too.

    3 - Oh yeh, I have cancer in my bones and hlding myself upright for too long gives me lots of pain.

    Darn it!

    It has been SUCH nice weather these past few…