ValS's blog

  • A long (and sometimes lonely) road


    So here we are, almost 6 months since we were warned to 'expect the worst' when Dad struggled to survive pneumonia and sometimes it feels as if we're all caught in some sort of No Mans Land. As there is no more treatment possible, there are no more hospital visits, x-rays or scans - indeed, there's probably not much point.

    But for those of us watching him in his daily struggle to have some sort of quality…

  • Hooray for steroids!


    Hi everyone. I just wanted to share some good news with you. I don't know if it's a coincidence or not, but since dad was prescribed steroids he has improved slightly. The improvement has meant he has been able to go out in his car a few times. In fact, he and Mum drove to Thursford to see the Christmas concert yesterday, the first proper outing they've had since the summer (and the under their own steam as well)…

  • Anyone heard of this?


    I haven't blogged for a while, but I'm hoping someone may have some feedback on this problem. Dad is having very disturbed nights, where he sleeps quite soundly for about 4 hours, then spends the next however-many hours dozing and disoriented, mumbling in his sleep, and sometimes not knowing where he is. He's then absolutely worn out and distressed the next day. Often he then spends most of the day sleeping. Of course…

  • Not used to feeling so helpless


    It's been a few weeks since my last post, and Dad is getting weaker. He has been so brave so far, and hasn't complained, but yesterday when I saw him he said he had almost had enough. He was so active before this wretched illness took hold, now he is afraid to move because each time he does, he has a coughing fit and ends up struggling for breath and completely exhausted. He's not really eating a great deal now, so Mum…

  • cold feet

    Hoping someone may be able to offer advice - dad is not able to move around very much at all because of the breathlessness and he is now having problems with his feet. Basically they are swollen, they feel numb when he walks, are really cold all the time and are starting to turn blue. I've urged him and Mum to contact the GP or the Macmillan nurse, but they 'don't want to be a nuisance'. Medication-wise he's only taking…