Not used to feeling so helpless

1 minute read time.

It's been a few weeks since my last post, and Dad is getting weaker. He has been so brave so far, and hasn't complained, but yesterday when I saw him he said he had almost had enough. He was so active before this wretched illness took hold, now he is afraid to move because each time he does, he has a coughing fit and ends up struggling for breath and completely exhausted. He's not really eating a great deal now, so Mum is also losing weight and looking worn out. Friends are all being great, visiting to keep his spirits up, but some days he can barely get out of bed. I feel so helpless - and terribly guilty because a few weeks ago hubby and I went on a (long awaited, and saved-for) holiday to celebrate a special wedding anniversary and had a fantastic time ...

Apart from the obvious, like cooking nice things to tempt both of them to eat, visiting as often as we can, talking on the phone when we can't - does anyone have any suggestions for how we can help? Is his medication making him depressed? It's horrible seeing him so upset. Part of me thinks that it would be best if it was over soon, but how can I even think that?  :-(

  • FormerMember

    Please dont beat yourself up Val you just dont want to see your mum or dad suffering none of us do. If their appetite is not good then all you can do is try and tempt them to eat little and often, it must be heartbreaking having to watch and feel helpless but they will both know just how much you love them both.

    Dont feel guilty about having your break either I bet neither of them begrudged you the time away. Keep strong.

    take care love Terri xxx

  • FormerMember

    Sweetheart you are doing the best you can and no one can ask for more and about  your break away, don't feel bad about that love, you have needs too. When my mum died I was glad it was all over, not for myself but for her, it is not a nice thing to have to see and when it all ends you know there is no more pain or suffering and I loved my mum too much to not want to let her go. So has Terri has said don't beat yourself up. Take care my Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you both for taking the time to reply, and with such kind words - somehow I don't feel so alone and helpless. I'm going to call the specialist nurse today to see if they can offer any more advice (I'm also worried that they intend to give him the flu jab soon). I don't want to interfere, but i do wnat to know that there isn't anything else that can be done.

    Love and hugs to you both, Val X