Turning Triple Negative into a Positive

  • Ding Ding round 3 under the belt

    So I’m 5 days post round 3 (EC) I am knackered! Chemo went as usual, very nice different nurse got good vein first time, nice little bruise but that ok. I took 2 paracetamol before the cold cap this time and it took the edge off the bite but we...
  • 7 weeks down

    So here we are 7 weeks down and 2EC’s in Where are we at? I’m sent to Echocardiogram just before the second Chemo, and I’m a little worried as I have genetic link to heart disease although I have no direct concerns but I am 48 appea...
  • First time for everything

    First session of Chemo went like this, my daughter was able to visit for the first session which meant the world to me, she lives the other end of the country, she doesn’t drive and I see little of her unless I go to her. But she made the train...
  • Waiting is so very hard

    Waiting is so very hard At this stage i spend my days convinced i have cancer everywhere and the age / unfitness niggles i had been feeling was my body being consumed, this really can play with your mind, especially with lack of sleep. After the ini...
  • This is where it began

    This is where it began, I found a lump in my left breat at the beginning of February 22, not a small lump either, i described it to the nurse as around the size of a 50p. Not something you would think you could miss. Now i do check my girls but proba...