To the left, to the left .....

  • Confessions of a newly sculptured Amazonian woman


    Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I'm back a week post mascetomy & anx clearance and I feel good.

    Reading through my last blog is so interesting (well to me) as my emotions must have surged up and down during those last double boobied weeks. i started to feel scared immediately before the operation, my fears ? That people would see me differently, that I wouldn't be attractive, be flawed and damaged and put on the reduced…

  • My time is running out ...(the left breast sings) all cosmetic and vain mish mash rant


    I woke yesterday to the sound of ticking I was like wtf ...and then i realised it wasn't my left boob with a timer it was a hole in my roof that was causing the repetitive dripping - not ticking. But oh sh** that's expensive to tackle let's worry about that not for now.

    Poor lefty, I'm fondly tucking my right hand under my armpit - not as I type obviously, giving leftie some love. I'm feeling a little more…

  • Why anger is the most destructive emotion going....


    I've turned very green this weekend , not sick but angry like the Hulk. I'm not very nice when I'm angry and I really can't seem to shake off these outburss the past few days.

    Is like chicken and egg scenario - cancer or anger, which came first ?? It seems my dsyfunctional relationship with cancer has kicked into largely anger this weekend and shifted my sunny disposition - like the return of the rain…

  • Are you in De Nial ???


    Anyone fancy a trip to Eygpt ? Wait no you mean denial don't you ? Sorry bad jokes....

    For the past 3 weeks I have been told by lots of well meaning people that I am taking my diagnosis a little too well ...Hmmm just what am I supposed to do ? Crying is something i find personally hard, it's a very private thing for me, and I'm not a person that wants a lot of fuss and attention.

    I am I know by and large…

  • You've gotta laugh haven't you ??


    I think so, where would I be without my humour ? Even though it's warped.

    When my mum was dying my sister and I developed Celebrity Death Swap - it was based on my mum chirping to us that she had seen a cloaked figure at the bottom of her hospital bed and told him to sod off , this may well have been the steroids !! Anyway she was given 4 days and had another 7 months, swapping her impending death with celebrities…