To the left, to the left .....

  • Superhero powers & intolerance ...


    One week post inconclusive diagnosis for primal tumour hidden in the realms of my body. Ok,so we kno the lymph node is secondary - who came first ?

    How am I feeling ? Well the blinkin diagnostic tests have really screwed me thanks, I was trotting around my hectic life with these lil cancerific tumours inside me with no obvious problems and uber energy and 1 week on after every test (i hope) is completed I already feel…

  • Hello ...I am me ...remind me who u are again ?


    At risk of sounding ungrateful - but hey it's my blog sorry -

    Why is it people who haven't contacted you in forever ago suddenly pop back and offer you lunch or something similiarly impractical when they hear on the grapevine your diagnosis ?? The said people don't actually know how you are feeling cos they don't really know you anymore!!

    I shall refer fondly to this group of friends as ' checking 

  • The continual bearer of bad news ....


    So, this is me - overly enthusiastic and hyped. Sometimes a major irritant to people with my boundless energy and enthusiasm for life. I'm the uber optimist ! So understandably sharing bad news does not come naturally to me - and for the last two days I have left friends in tears and feeling bad when I chirp away that I've had bad news, I'm going to need you to be there for my kids but don't worry I'm all Charlie Sheen…