Are you in De Nial ???

3 minute read time.

Anyone fancy a trip to Eygpt ? Wait no you mean denial don't you ? Sorry bad jokes....

For the past 3 weeks I have been told by lots of well meaning people that I am taking my diagnosis a little too well ...Hmmm just what am I supposed to do ? Crying is something i find personally hard, it's a very private thing for me, and I'm not a person that wants a lot of fuss and attention.

I am I know by and large I am an extrordinary person who leans heavily into uber optismism, so being diagnosed with breast cancer you have two (probably more options) firstly you can sit in a dressing gown and cry ...(never my option but is ok if this is you ) or you can carry on being you . There you go. I am hungry for life, extremely driven and motivated and the human equivalent of a bouncy ball

I find it difficult at times that people struggle with my ability to cope and my reaction and clearly feel the need to justify myself. I feel disappointed that people would think I'm actually not coping and putting on a front to cover me real emotions ? That's like faking an orgasm ....not worth your while as you don't exactly benefit from it lol ..

Sure nobody in their right mind would say,' I fancy a career break , that will involve surgery and chemotherapy and challenge every part of my beliefs vs societies beliefs - oh and strip out real friends from hangers on ' But when you are presented with this diagnosis , my optismistic nature screamed - you've been given an opportunity to change !! You've been given a point to reflect on everything in your life and challenge what isn't making you happy or doesn't fit anymore.

I am absolutely blessed to have this discovered at a relatively early stage and I'm extremely blessed to live in a developed country where treatment is available and free.

Sure I have to face days where I'm not so strong, whilst now I can stand here with both breasts and say up yours I'll still be attractive with 1. Of course i know there will be days where that isn't the case and I will feel vulnerable, fragile and different. But excuse me ...f*ck what society thinks is beautiful in this world where everyone is so concerned about external beauty - my inner beauty is gonna burst through.

I am not my hair too - what does it matter - having no hair society imagines you are 'fighting cancer - thereby brave' or ' a victim / sufferer of a disease - thereby vulnerable' All this negative language and labels and other people's perceptions are more damaging than the disease itself.

So whilst not so close friends either struggle or marvel at my positive outlook, I'm carrying on being me....Cancer is not a death sentence, it's a challenge - I love a challenge. One thing for certain, lots of me will change throughout this journey and people in my life will come and go ...don't they always ??

So for all the people whispering that I am being to strong, in denial and am gonna fall with a bang - becareful what you wish for ...if I DO FALL , aren't you suppose to catch me ?? Oh, really you're not really gonna be there are you, actions speak louder than words , leave me to be happy whilst I am and don't judge me unless you have walked in my shoes ...Don't hate the hater, hate the game

  • FormerMember

    Wow Sassy:

    thank you for finding the words to describe how i have felt at times on my journey through "Egypt" (I'm sure you will find plenty of other people on here who truly understand also).

    Good luck.


  • FormerMember

    Oh you are my twin!!!

    When they first told me they could see a tumour the doc said oh you can go off sick if you want... I asked if I had to, and she said well, no I guess not if you want to... My take on it was do I go home and lie in bed and wait to die or get on with my life? So I got on with it. I have not laughed so much as this past year and I honestly feel it has been a positive experience. Of course there are side effects and pain and all of that, but I have learned a lot and changed a lot in my life that I may never have seen until too late...

    I used to get cross with the headtilts and the comments of how I was or feeling or whatever but then I started to make fun of them... I tilted my head back and thought of silly things to say to the How ARE you and the brave well done headtitly comments...

    It was my way of coping and still is.

    Of course there have been a few times when I have fallen and lovely people have been there to pick me up (most of them on here, cos we understand on here)

    I also set up warped thread as somewhere on here that I could be positive and laugh and be silly about the indignities of it all....

    So, my twin you stay just as you are and say bollocks to them... what do they know eh?

    Big hug to you and welcome to the challenge....!!

    Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Little My - where would I be without you ??? Hugs in your direction too. I am still fending off the sympathy and defiantly tilting my head. Anger is such a useful emotion at times lol

    I'm back to work tomorrow after a couple weeks holiday - a month to treatment kick off but work is the last thing on my mind too lol la la limbo land.

    Going to find your warped thread and properly utlise it ..Right off to bed and switch of my brain from all irritants and think of some head tilting comebacks !!

    Sweet dreams twin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sassy,

    You'll find lots of siblings on here and I must say that this disease certainly sorts your friends as you say!

    Welcome to warped the only "sane" thread on this site!

    Big hugs from your big brother,

    Colin (Odin) xxx

  • Sassy you sure live up to your name.As Pam said you have put into words what I believe many also think.It took me quite a while to have a tearful moment but when I did there where people hear to get me through.This disease does let you know who your true friends are and it taught me a few lessons too.Anger can be a very useful emotion too I have found.Good luck being back at work it can be a place to practice head tilting replies.Welcome to Warped and big hugs Cruton xxxx