To the left, to the left .....

  • Sunshine, one boob & a curly tailed dog


    Geez I woke up on the wrong side of bed today - how does this explain being a grumpy, anti social git ??

    It's a beautiful day and I'm loving the warmth on my skin, my slower paced life and the fact I can lay in the sun....for I have a feeling I will have that taken away soon too.

    Today I feel pretty annoyed about the absence of lefty and that poor righty is styling it out on her own. I notice all the women's…

  • Crawliiiinggggg in my skinnnnnn or beneath it actually


    Today as been a mixed bag that's for sure ...

    When I rocked up at my hospital in my straight out of the 80's LMFAO look..shuffling of course, there was a paitent sat in the lift area in a dressing gown exposing his ahem* weener. I just burst into giggles  way too much to see before a serious appointment lol...not callous at all, he looked very happy with it all out for public appreciation.

    Up in the waiting area…

  • Wigs, wonderful wigs & the making of a call girl


    So I spontaneously purchased way too many wigs yesterday !! What fun it was too, trying on all different colours, styles and lengths. I was struck by how exciting it was to change your personality and appearance with a syrup and thought why didn't i do this before ...Hullo I am Ivanka , super spy ..

     The shop owners were fantastic, as you would be when a customer happily purchases 5 wigs and accessories, but let me…

  • Sassy has a day off


    What bliss - not answering calls, messages, emails, fb notifications and just wonderfully indulging in quality time...Altho it actually freaked one of my besties out who eventually tracked me down on my daughter's phone lol

    Much needed after trotting back and forward to hospital for 3 days on the bounce for treatment for a dvt that disappeared by day 3 ...winning !! The thought of that treatment alongside other treatments…

  • OOmpah Loompah do be de dooooo....on becoming Verunica Salt


    I'm growing a new breast !! It's amazing the surgeon taketh and my body groweth a new one immediately well 7 days later - it's a miracle !! Or rather it's a case of seranoma ? I think that's the correct terminology post surgery swelling due to the removal of my lymph nodes. I feel like a sausage stuffed with fluid, imagine myself going bang and the Thames Barrier being activated and london having a near miss catastrophe…