OOmpah Loompah do be de dooooo....on becoming Verunica Salt

1 minute read time.

I'm growing a new breast !! It's amazing the surgeon taketh and my body groweth a new one immediately well 7 days later - it's a miracle !! Or rather it's a case of seranoma ? I think that's the correct terminology post surgery swelling due to the removal of my lymph nodes. I feel like a sausage stuffed with fluid, imagine myself going bang and the Thames Barrier being activated and london having a near miss catastrophe ....people sailing along in boats on waves of my lymphocytes lol

My BC nurses weren't worried, they joked along with me and my distasteful humour when I swanned into clinic today, 9 days on feeling good. They have chosen not to drain my new saggy boob and let it disperse naturally in my body - just where will it all go !!! So provided it's harmless let's leave it be..I think I've had enough prods and pokes for a few weeks and ultimately my aims now are recovery and preparing for the next phase.

So if I turn purple and roll up for my next appointment or hop into clinic on my new space hopper boob next week I won;t be too surprised
