Sunshine, one boob & a curly tailed dog

4 minute read time.

Geez I woke up on the wrong side of bed today - how does this explain being a grumpy, anti social git ??

It's a beautiful day and I'm loving the warmth on my skin, my slower paced life and the fact I can lay in the sun....for I have a feeling I will have that taken away soon too.

Today I feel pretty annoyed about the absence of lefty and that poor righty is styling it out on her own. I notice all the women's curves and symmetry and whilst I have a pretty damn good imposter hiding in my new sporty like bras - It's not the same . Throws toys on floor and sulks !! I want my booby back, so I can run around town in vests, boob tops , low necklines, bikinis and sexy underwear !! Sure I am making the best of it and trying to wear all normal clothes with some creative placement and layering but I want to be like the girls on the beach yesterday carefree whipping their tops off - without scaring people in nearing vicinity.

Told you I was a grump !! Ok, so of course I'm grateful for my life, my health (as only having breast cancer isn't as unfortunate as some) and family and friends. Altho I am sure I'm pushing the limits on some friendships - some are testing my limits and paitence anyway !!

And there is more ....I have been unconventionally rehabing my arm & shoulder and forcing cooperation , geez I took range of motion for granted didn't i ? Hands up who wants their freedom of movement back too - oh wait you can't quite do that can you ?? It is improving, sure it is's a month Sassy stop beating yourself up !! Oh but wait - what was that ...they may want to open you open and remove more muscle ?? Oh yeah I thought I heard that too - perhaps I sent that statement straight to my De Nial - Do Not Think About It pile. 

Wonder what happens if they remove muscle? Will I look even more concave on one side ? Will it make a difference to my posture ? My strength ? My ability to work as a therapist ? My ability to have this delayed reconstruction ?

Why is cancer such a ******** ******* that really cares not who you are or what you have/ had in your life. Hello I'm cancer let me turn everything you know upside down, regardless of how positive you think you are -I'm gonna test you to the limits ...grrrrrrr...uh oh the green is rising and clothes creaking like they may rip. Actually that may happen as sitting on my enlarging arse and eating more for the past 3 months is testing my waistband on clothes too. Man I need to get my lardy lazy ass back to the gym - who stole my motivation too ??? Was it attached to lefty ?? Hey at least it wasn't my personality -oops lets say no more on that subject....

It's a week since my doc said I'll call you ...I've a week left. So let's write off this grump and not waste anymore time thinking about it ...but that's not true is it ? I can feel that build up lurking deep within, regardless of any smile I wear for myself or others, I can feel my apprehension and fear growing. What will he say ? I know he will make the right decision and that I am in safe hands...but that's it , it's none of it in my control...they will call me, they will book me in , they will do what's necessary to exile cancer from my body ...I will co-operate ....I am scared. Of course I am and screw you anyone else that hasn't been here and tells me that my fear is pointless. For those that have waited for results or treatments, you get me right ? I know what the last op felt like and sure i recovered well - doesn't mean I want that repeated within a month of the last one !! I've just got my freedom back.

Forward planning - geez was it only 6 months ago I could be that assumptious to book things in advance - will I get that back by next year please...?? I am spontaneous I agree and that's great but wouldn't it be nice to not be on edge of a call up from a surgeon and an oncologist ...hello Sassy are you free - let's hook up - tomorrow !! Man that's not the spontaneity I want.

Ok so, I started this blog, with sunshine - check, one boob - check....curly tailed dog ah ha partner in crime. My dog is my secret confidant - when I ignore the calls, the texts and messages she walks steadily beside me and says nothing when I cry ...she lays beside me in the sun saying nothing but showing her love ....ok, so the lil devil cried for 2 hours until I got up this morning but hey no one is perfect. 


  • FormerMember

    Yes, I understand and yes we get scared.....

    Big hug to you lovely. Not a lot else to say but I'm here and by your side and things do get easier over time as you start to accept the new you. I now bare my scar at the pool and don't care. I cried the first time I went swimming I was so embarrassed about my bag and lumps and bumps and scars and now I don't care. Of course, i want to tone up my bits that have got wobbly but scars are signs of battles won and of character.

    Phone the doc if you are fussed. say your phone's been broken and you were worried you might have missed it or something if you don't feel like nagging.

    I have cried on and off with frustration about how little I can do, but it does get there in the end. Just takes a bloody long time... I have got a fitness schedule at the gym as of yesterday haha. Only walking and gentle weights but its cool and soon I'll be running and the same for you.... In the meantime have a anti frustration hug xxx

    I am rambling cos I am tired. Sorry, Just to say, as you are my twin, I get it and I know... and a big hug to you. You are not alone... oh and if you do go for busting... green isn't the most glamerous?! Perhaps not the Hulk? cat woman is kind of cool....

    LM xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Sassy, wear your battle scars with pride! You are the same lovely person behind all this mayhem and no one can take that away. You have battled for your life and come out the other side. What else is important?

    As for the oogly googlies before an appointment we all get those and no one can magic those away. But here you are amongst people who are going through the same worries and problems and we understand.

    As LM says, things do get easier even if there are bumps along the road. come here as often as you need and we will be here to hold your hand.

    Good luck with the appointment and don't forget to write out your list of questions, especially if further operations are needed.

    Good luck and big hugs,

    Colin xxx

    PS. I lost the tip of my finger and it was several weeks before I came to terms with it and was able to let it be seen in public, so I understand how much bigger your problem is!

  • FormerMember

    My marmite sister from another mista, i just wanna send you biggest, tightest, superhero cuddles. You have every right to get angry and have all these things going through your head. Its just part of the crappy rollercoaster ride that is cancer, embrace it as you do everything else. You are kicking ass!!!!

    I speak of you often to Thundercat, and i tell him of how much i love and admire you and all my other friends here. I seriously dont think i woulda coped half as well if i had to go through what you have had to. Not really where my personality lies *evil giggle* but its a big part of where our confidence lies for sure. For a woman, being able to wear the sexy underwear or hell even a cheeky little outfit and have curves in all the right places is a BIG thing. I can only imagine what its like to go through that operation and what your head has to deal with in the run up and aftermath of it all. You are truly an inspiration, and considering the amount of crap this vile disease throws our way, your doing pretty god damn well as far as handling things from where im standing. Off days, hell off weeks, are entirely allowed. 

    Sending you all my love and superhero cuddles, hoping that the sunshine brings a brighter tomoro for you. (you realise im letting the sun stay down south just for this purpose only and when your quite finished i plan on draggin the fecker up to not so sunny scotland right?! lol)

    Much love,

    Isis xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Sassy, I think most of us in the booby club can relate to noticing other womens curves and their ability to wear scimpy tops.

    Just wondering if you're aware of amoena products. I was gifted one of these tops when asking my BCN what was best to wear post surgery It was so comfortable that to date I have bought another four. I've worn them dressed up to go out for dinner or down with jeans on a weekend and always feel confident, much to my amazment as most other post surgery purchases have had to be styled in such a way that perky is not so noticable. I do have a reconstruction but these have bilateral pockets and for an amazonian warrior a diamante a on the back.

    Hugs and best wish on your journey

    Jules x

  • FormerMember

    to the rescue here you all are !! 

    Thank you all of you for taking the time to read my mini rant - I did feel a lot better today , so before I start singing Ronan Keating to you ....Life is a rollercoaster just gotta ride it !! In my experiece of rollercoasters is you queue for longer than the actual ride !! LOL maybe this is an analogy of our cancer journey, a lot of sitting and waiting.

    I trained today - 1 hour of power walking and then some conditioning  exercise it felt really good but my muscles in my torso are soooo tight. Need to work through that. My lovely friends, all your comments really help, my scar itself doesn't worry me but I know the world isn't ready for it yet so no streaking at the Olympic opening ceremony !!

    Little My - you are such an angel and naughty too as I am also on watch for your appt and discussions there.

    Isis - my sista Thundercat is a very lucky man to have you :)  I'm sooooo wanting to be Cat woman and wear her awesome outfit - just you wait !!

    Paddyman - thank you :) I have a special notebook ready with questions all good to go :)

    Always - thank you those tops are lovely !! Quite the thing for amazonian chicks with a liking for bling 

    Bed is finally calling, thank you all mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh xoxoxo