Surely it got the wrong person?

  • Start of the Chemo

    Hello again,  Prior to the chemo starting I had my PIC line fitted.  When they describe what they are going to do it always sounds 10x worse than it actually is.  That's one thing I have found so far none of the treatment is as b...
  • Home After Hospital

    Hello again,  I was discharged with my bag full of pills and anti blood clotting injections, glad to be home but feeling a bit fragile. I am so fortunate my husband makes a great nurse but some of my hospital companions were going home alone or ...
  • Hysterectomy ... or as Les Dawson said hystericalrectomy

    Hello again,  The hospital experience - part 1. I had my tests in December so there was the inevitable wait between Christmas and New Year before I got the appointment for my hysterectomy.  It was an odd time, no desire to celebrate or ove...
  • What do you tell people?

    Hello again, having had what felt like dozens of checks the only way to get a final diagnosis was to have a hysterectomy and checks would be done on the bits taken out. Throughout the medical professionals I spoke with said the results so far were su...
  • In the beginning...

    Hello,  here's my blog about my cancer experience.  I'm writing it to share the ups and downs which I hope might be of some help to others, so best start at the very beginning.  Last year much of my time was spent with my elde...