Surely it got the wrong person?

  • What have I learnt?

    Hello again, Since treatment has finished, it's been mixed feelings.  On one hand I feel incredibly fortunate the treatment is done and it's now a case of check ups. However I know there is something on my lung (which I'm told will b...
  • Life goes on

    Hello again, Having had the treatment and first follow up appointment after treatment it felt like we deserved a holiday!  Well that was before I checked out travel insurance, given my husband also has some medical issues the first quote for 1 w...
  • Another milestone but more obstacles

    Hello again, I was due my next consultation to establish what effect all the treatment has had, about 10 days before this I broke my ankle.  Honestly you cannot make this up.  It was not a bad break and I could hobble around in my big boot....
  • Radiotherapy & Brachytherapy

    Hello again, I was to have 5 weeks of radiotherapy in the pelvic area with a grand finale of 2 sessions of something called brachytherapy.  I had to be at the appointment 1 hour before to ensure I had drunk the right amount of water so they coul...
  • A break from treatment

    Hello again, After the 12 chemo sessions (I was fortunate, hardly any side effects)  the cold cap had worked so I had minimal hair loss.  The lack of hair growth meant I did not grow the unwanted hair on my chinny chin chin...result! As I h...