In the beginning...

1 minute read time.

Hello,  here's my blog about my cancer experience.  I'm writing it to share the ups and downs which I hope might be of some help to others, so best start at the very beginning. 

Last year much of my time was spent with my elderly parents both of whom have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's which as you can imagine was massively stressful.  They live about 170 miles away and on one journey home I had a lot of discomfort in my stomach.  I put it down to "my parents have bloody given me IBS!"

The bloating and discomfort did not go so after me telling my GP I had IBS and the IBS medication not working after a week the GP sent me for blood tests.

I'll never forget the phone call, my husband and I were driving back from B & Q having just bought a toilet (yes my life going down the pan - insert own joke here) My phone came up "Doctors" which at first I thought was to do with mum or dad and it took a second or two to realise he was talking about me.  "I think you might have ovarian cancer, we need to do more tests..."

What are you supposed to do when you get that type of call?  Honestly, I can't really recall what happened the rest of that day was numbness, disbelief, this can't be happening. 

It all happened quickly after that, the following Monday I was in for scans and more blood tests.  No one could say for certain it was cancer, they could see I had a 30 cm cyst which was what was causing the bloating and discomfort.  After more consultations and a colonoscopy for good measure on Christmas Eve it was decided I needed a full hysterectomy.

The care I had and the speed of organising the tests was second to none.  I felt like I was in the right hands....episode 2 the hospital to follow.

Much Love. 

  • Thanks for sharing your experience. It is a shock when you first get diagnosed. Do you find it helps to write it all down as I like writing anway, poetry etc and always found it therapeutic, even more since my terminal prognosis?  Hope all goes well for you.

  • Hi Nan 3942, firstly I'm so sorry to hear about your prognosis, I cannot imagine what it must be like getting news like that.  You are right, I did start this blog to get it off my chest and it is therapy.  I have found the support of friends, family and ex work colleagues to the most valuable thing, they meant a lot to me before, and now even more.  I hope you have the same around you.  Take care and sending you a virtual hug.