Home After Hospital

2 minute read time.

Hello again, 

I was discharged with my bag full of pills and anti blood clotting injections, glad to be home but feeling a bit fragile.

I am so fortunate my husband makes a great nurse but some of my hospital companions were going home alone or with a few days of family help available, I guess you just manage somehow. 

The worst for me were the anti blood clotting injections I managed to avoid looking at any needles and did not want to start now!  My husband is less squeamish so took on that job, an injection in the tummy area every day for 3 weeks.  I had heard about someone I used to know dying from a blood clot following surgery so was certainly not going to ignore the injections. 

I was to expect a phone call in a couple of weeks with a Dr to establish if they had found any cancer in the bits they had taken out.  The call came and it was confirmed they had found it in my womb and one of the ovaries.  It's hard to describe the call and my reaction, tearful, lots of questions still unanswered. This Dr was here to drop the bombshell I had to wait another few weeks for my appointment to be told what the treatment plan was going to be. 

My attitude at this point was to focus on getting better after the surgery, it was all I could do.  In the meantime I received tons of support from friends and family.  

During this time I took it very easy as I'm naturally quite lazy this was not too much of a problem!  Lots of TV and if I felt like I needed a sleep, had a nap.

The appointment regarding my treatment plan came around. Again I struck lucky, my Consultant was fantastic.  Initially she started to talk about hair loss (is that the first thought people have??)  I wanted to get to the "OK so what are we going to do about this" bit. 

My treatment was to be 3 months of chemotherapy followed by radiotherapy.  She told me about possible side effects and for the hair loss bit I could opt to try the cold cap treatment which might prevent or lessen it. She was very optimistic, on the consent form amending "remission" to "cure" that change made a massive difference to my outlook.  The appointment was well over an hour and I felt I could have all the time I needed.  The Macmillan nurse was also there and again very helpful and reassuring.  

The chemo was to start in a couple of weeks and I was clear about what was going to happen during this next stage.

Much love.

  • I'm so pleased you are recovering after that nasty vomiting. All the best to you. I too appreciate th NHS after all they have done for me, even though I can't be cured. I know they did their best for me, 

    Ann x

  • Hi Ann, thanks for reading my ramblings.  I hope you are feeling OK and managing with the situation you have found yourself in.  The NHS the greatest achievement of this country In my opinion anyway though you could argue a case for WW2!

    All my best to you.