Hysterectomy ... or as Les Dawson said hystericalrectomy

1 minute read time.

Hello again, 

The hospital experience - part 1.

I had my tests in December so there was the inevitable wait between Christmas and New Year before I got the appointment for my hysterectomy.  It was an odd time, no desire to celebrate or overindulge as would be the normal state of affairs.

A couple of weeks after the colonoscopy I had a call from the Doctor "you do not have bowel cancer" for anyone else I'm sure that would have been a mighty relief, for me it was a shrug of the shoulders  ... at least it's not any worse.

My appointment was for mid January in Queen Charlotte's & Chelsea hospital under the care of a specialist, I'm told a number of times, is one of the best in the business.  My God I feel fortunate we have an NHS, it crossed my mind a number of times, I wonder how much this is all costing!

I felt anxious the days before, vomiting, my heart sinking when the phone went or the post came as often it was some communication or other about my treatment.

Admittance day came and by that time my feeling was OK just do what you need to do.  Doctors tell you everything that's going to happen my reply was "do you have to tell me this I really do not want to know" that does not wash ... you get told!

I was in a ward with 3 other ladies, J, J and J, I thought they should form a girl group.  We all shared the common theme, hysterectomy's with possible cancer and throughout our hospital stay we were all in it together.

My op was scheduled for first thing the next morning so no hanging about thankfully.

Part 2 to follow leaving you on the surgeon's knife edge!

Much love.
