Another milestone but more obstacles

1 minute read time.

Hello again,

I was due my next consultation to establish what effect all the treatment has had, about 10 days before this I broke my ankle.  Honestly you cannot make this up.  It was not a bad break and I could hobble around in my big boot.  It did make me feel frustrated just as I was starting to feel better as well.  All I want to do is get on with my life then something else comes along.

I was feeling positive about the consultation, I cannot put my finger on it but it just felt like the main enemy had been dealt with.

We waited an hour before we were called in and the appointment was done in 10 minutes. The first part of the conversation was about my broken ankle so I suppose that was a good sign.  There wasn't a Macmillan nurse there, another good sign?!

All in all it was something of an anti-climax, I was at least expecting bunting!  The treatment seems to have done it's job.  Now the cloud on the horizon, the nodule on the lung they had spotted had shrunk from 7mm to 3mm (due to the chemo).  No one used the word cancer but that's what it says to me. I was to have a telephone consultation in 3 months time to see how I was doing then a scan on the lung in 6 months.  If the nodule is still there I was reassured there was treatment.

So that was that regular check ups going forward.  We spoke about our plans to move having now temporarily retired from work and my consultant was very reassuring, she was even able to tell me which consultant she would be referring me to once the move has happened.

I felt like we could move forward and make plans....however life still gets in the way so more about that later.

Much love.
