What have I learnt?

1 minute read time.

Hello again,

Since treatment has finished, it's been mixed feelings.  On one hand I feel incredibly fortunate the treatment is done and it's now a case of check ups. However I know there is something on my lung (which I'm told will be treatable) but what if one of those nasty little cancer cells has found it's way into somewhere else.

I try to banish the latter thought.

What have I learnt in a more positive vein.....

* To listen to my body and flag any concerns to my GP

* So far none of the treatment has been as bad as I thought it was going to be (maybe I was just lucky)

* How fortunate we are to have an NHS, when I'm up to it I will sign up for voluntary work with them, it is the least I can do.

* Family and friends are so important.  They cheered me up and were there 100%. Seek out support, writing this blog has been a sort of therapy for me.

* I know it's a cliché but make the days count.

Having had the diagnosis and treatment it focusses the mind to get on and do the things you want to do.

Much love 
