A break from treatment

1 minute read time.

Hello again,

After the 12 chemo sessions (I was fortunate, hardly any side effects)  the cold cap had worked so I had minimal hair loss.  The lack of hair growth meant I did not grow the unwanted hair on my chinny chin chin...result! As I had so few side effects I said to one nurse I felt like a fraud getting all this attention.

I had a break in between the chemo finishing and the radiotherapy starting so wanted to make the most of it.  I squeezed in visits to family & friends which was great at making life feel like it was nearly back to normal.

In my head the radiotherapy was "just an xray" so I thought I'm through the worst now, I underestimated it.

I was going to be treated at a different hospital which specialises in cancer care so went there for pre treatment assessments.  It was a much busier hospital, the waiting times were longer and the staff seemed more stretched. My appointments were during the summer and the hospital had lovely grounds so waiting was pleasant in the sunshine!

During one appointment my sessions were confirmed, daily for 5 and a half weeks.  It was a blow I'd assumed once a week like the chemo, plus the hospital was a 40 minute drive away and you had to be there an hour before the actual treatment so it felt like life was on hold again.  I reasoned to myself, treat it like a job you have to go to every day, that made it make more sense to me.

So had my break then the treatment was on again....
