Staying positive :)

  • getting my mojo back


    well im off out tomorrow night with my significant other for our first night out in two years!!

    both going stir crazy so we went for a walk the other afternoon and ended up becoming members of our local social club-my dad used to go in there so did waynes grandad so it brings back a lot of memories for us both

    everyone was really friendly showed us round even offered us a drink but we declined our afternoon drinking…

  • Feeling better

    Feeling better and more positive after what i will call my little wobble ! Thankyou Pam again for your message - hope youre feeling better hun xx felt so much better after coming on here think everything just got a bit much - i can cope with myself being ill - just have to get on with things but with Wayne and my mum both being ill and having to run about doing everything think ive got a bit run down and exhausted :@…
  • feeling sorry for myself


    just feeling so down at the moment having a lot of problems with my arthirits in agony yet still running about doing everything just feel so tired no energy and started having dizzy spells so of to the docs i went - shes not happy ive not had bloods done since last june and my blood pressure was low so im having an mot!! think if i was a car id fail ! got ECG on friday bloods and xrays next tuesday then wait for results…

  • what a horrible day


    went to hospital today and thought what a good day - feel guilty saying it but im quite happy it wasnt for me this time it was for my other half after five years of problems and operations on bowel fistulas and abscesses he has been in agony and cant sit down which has meant for the past year and half he hasnt been able to work or drive :(  he was supposed to see his surgeon but after waiting for over an hour he walked…

  • Getting so forgetful - bloody painkillers!!

    Feel so guilty just realised it was my Nanas anniversary last week - she died in 2005 10 months before my Dad - he was heartbroken - he idolised her and I always remember her birthday , anniversary , mothers day etc and visit her grave and put flowers on from my Dad - can't believe I forgot - the first time ever in 8 years :( I have had a lot on my mind though - had oncology results on the 4th jan then a colonoscopy…