Getting so forgetful - bloody painkillers!!

1 minute read time.
Feel so guilty just realised it was my Nanas anniversary last week - she died in 2005 10 months before my Dad - he was heartbroken - he idolised her and I always remember her birthday , anniversary , mothers day etc and visit her grave and put flowers on from my Dad - can't believe I forgot - the first time ever in 8 years :( I have had a lot on my mind though - had oncology results on the 4th jan then a colonoscopy on the 8th jan and been so stressed out over DWP messing benefits up it's no wonder and the medication I'm on doesn't help:( Been on tramadol and morphine patches for my osteoarthritis and sometimes feel like I'm going senile !! Honestly I have to write a note to remind me to look at the list I've wrote of things I've got to do!! And I forget whole conversations and when Wayne my significant other was on tramadol after his ops - well it was like the blind leading the blind !! Lol a right double act :)) Still I know my Nana will let me off this once - think an extra big bunch of flowers for her tomorrow - miss ya nana - love ya