Staying positive :)

  • feeling happy :)) yet bad :((


    feel so happy - my best friend shaz is getting married next april and i am maid of honour 

    im so happy for her and so jealous at the same time   :( im a bad friend :(

    i was supposed to be getting married next year - its our 25 th anniversary in july and i finally got wayne to agree to marry me after years of asking and him refusing -we even went out and bought the wedding rings -waynes idea - now theyre sat in a drawer…

  • missing my little bro and my dad


    really love this time of year but hate it at the same time - love it because halloween and bonfire nights coming which we always used to celebrate decorating the house and having parties - lots of good memories

    i hate it because it will be my little bros and dads anniversary soon and their birthdays miss them both so so much - its 22 years since my little bro was killed.and will be 8 years since my dad died it seems…

  • info everyone should know


    hi everyone not been on here for a while but keep a check in via emails from groups

    just thought id share some important news that anyone with cancer who has mortgage/loan critical illness cover should know

    i was diagnosed with stage 1a cancer in 2010 after an operation - it hadnt spread so i did not need any treatment just regular 6 monthly checkups

    in my eyes i didnt have cancer - no chemo oranything  ??? im clear…

  • Check up clear :))

    Well my dreaded 6 monthly check up was clear :)) so 3 years done 2 to go seems to be taking forever & no matter how positive I try to be it still feels like my lifes on hold it's always there in the background that nagging thought - does it ever - will it ever go ??
  • dreaded 6 monthly check up tomorrow:((


    havent been on here for a while had a lot of family problems but had to come on and have a little moan got my batch of 6 monthly tests tomorrow think id be used to be it by now after 3 years but it gets harder each time cant help thinking the longer they say im clear theres more chance of it coming back then i panic thinking what happens at the end of the five years when i am all clear and there is no more checkups !…