Smashing The Stragglers...

  • Day 13 - The (Un)Lucky 13th

    An early appointment in RT this morn meant having to wake before 7am (was like having to get up for work - not nice). Got thru salisbury quickly and arrived early at hospital. Only 2 other people waitng so decided for first time to be sociable and talk, rather than keep myself to myself. It soon became apparent how lucky my type of cancer wasn how lucky I was that I had found it early and how lucky I am that I have…
  • Day 12 - Downs and Ups

    The most efficient trip to the Oncology department saw me arrive yesterday to a comparatively deserted waiting room? Within 5 minutes of arriving I was called forward for treatment. A bit confused I asked where all the patients were. I was told that my first 8 days of a cram packed and somewhat apparently chaotic RT department was not the norm. One of the four RT scanners had been getting fixed and now it had been half…
  • Day 11 - Good News and Bad

    yesterdays chat with the dietitian went well - despite eating for England I had still lost a kilo, but no panic just yet. Some milk shake mixes now on order (400 calories a pop!) which will see me straight for next week if needed. Had started chewing sugar free gum to take taste away. This worked for short periods which was good. Had a couple of welcome visitors last night, bit of light relief and good to talk about other…
  • Day 10 - Is a Change as Good as a Rest?

    Yesterdays chat with consultant was positive, all seems on track with no complications. Apart from feeling as though I have someone elses mouth and a lack of taste the dryness wasn't as bad last night (must have been the pepsi cola). Will have a chat with the dietitian in southampton later today to see if there is anything that can make the bad taste in my mouth be a bit more bearable. Well yesterday had a slight change…
  • Day 9 - Let The Battle Commence...


    Another lovely day in Wiltshire but what an awful night's sleep.  Mouth was drier than a dry thing and tasted of a weathered and worn flip flop.  Needed to sip water constantly through the night and feel tired to say the least this morning.  I am hoping it is the Pepsi I drank for supper that caused this, but fear that the resumption of RT this week is the culprit....  Off to see my consultant today prior to RT#7, the…