Day 12 - Downs and Ups

1 minute read time.
The most efficient trip to the Oncology department saw me arrive yesterday to a comparatively deserted waiting room? Within 5 minutes of arriving I was called forward for treatment. A bit confused I asked where all the patients were. I was told that my first 8 days of a cram packed and somewhat apparently chaotic RT department was not the norm. One of the four RT scanners had been getting fixed and now it had been half of the patients had moved to another ward. All being well my average hour trip to the hospital should now be reduced to less than 20 minutes (every little helps)! Arrived home, very tired after not much sleep last night. Welcome visitors that afternoon saw the sharing of cream cakes and a good catch up. Avoided chewing gum today which has reduced throat pain somewhat, allowing me to devour salmon mash and green beans in a cheese sauce for supper. It was then early to bed, quick bit of TV and a slightly better nights sleep. And so remarkably, just when I thought the downward spiral of side effects had started, I have had a reprieve. I just hope the weekend is pain free too.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Dave,  just to let you know I'm following your blog and you're not blogging to the empty air!  Hope the reprieve continues and you sleep well.  I've had problems in the sleep department which are happily much better now.

    I did a blog today to see if anyone was following me and they were! Three replies in no time.  Made my day which had started badly and is much more cheerful now.  I'll continue to read you, if I may, and my good wishes are with you all along your journey.

    Cheers, sir!