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  • 4 Months On


    It's been a long time since I last posted. It's been 4 months since Grandma passed away and life is slowly getting back to normal (whatever normal is mind you!) 

    My birthday was hard, no card off Grandma was hard to deal with. She would also call me for a chat, I missed that so much this year. I know everyone will feel this for their birthdays and Christmas this year. I also missed not being able to tell her I…

  • Final Goodbye


    This afternoon we scattered Grandma's ashes. The sun came out and I knew she did that for us. She didn't like the rain. There were me, my Mum, my Dad, my Aunt, Grandma's two sisters Gaynor and Joan and Gaynor's husband. My cousin Hannah also came. Seeing her urn was a shock, it was huge. We were taken to the spot where my Bampy (her husband) was scattered in 1991. We took turns in scattering her ashes. Once it was over…

  • Anger and Grief


    It's been a long time since I last posted. I am coping. We are worried about my Aunt, she is so full of anger and grief. She feels like the doctors, nurses and hospitals lied to her. She wants them to suffer too. I think they did all they could. We are still in grief, it's hard and I wish Grandma was still alive. I need to find someone to help her. She can't keep the anger going. She needs to let it go and cry. How can…

  • Feels At Ease


    Last Friday was so hard and emtional. Grandma's funeral was moving. Dad did a speech, he kept it together and made us smile and cry. When the hearse came to my Aunt's house, I lost it. I was crying before I got into the other car. Mum and my Aunt Joan (one of Grandma's sisters) held my hands. Bless them both for being so caring towards me when everyone was in bits. The service was lovely, so warm and loving. All…

  • Right or Wrong


    This Friday is Grandma's funeral. It's been a long 2 weeks. Now I am not going to the crematrium, I can't face it and my goodbye will be at her funeral. My Dad is understanding about this but my Aunt called me a coward. I was taken back by her words. She also added both her children are going and so will my brother, which I understand, but I dont want to go. I can't understand why she can't see this and not…