4 Months On

1 minute read time.

It's been a long time since I last posted. It's been 4 months since Grandma passed away and life is slowly getting back to normal (whatever normal is mind you!) 

My birthday was hard, no card off Grandma was hard to deal with. She would also call me for a chat, I missed that so much this year. I know everyone will feel this for their birthdays and Christmas this year. I also missed not being able to tell her I was an ambassador for London 2012, she would have loved my pink outfit! I'm sure she was looking down and smiling. 

My Dad is coping well, he can talk about his Mum but he still gets upset. My Aunt is in a angry grief, she is still blaming the doctors and now my Dad. She needs to stop this. Someone moved into Grandma's bungalow on Sunday and she can't believe it. She feels so mad about that too. I wish we could help her but she is pushing us away. 

We are holding a Macmillan coffee morning in memory of Grandma. I can't make cakes but I shall give it a go. Macmillan are amazing and we want to raise cash for them to keep up the amazing work. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Welsh_Girl80,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma - it sounds as though you really miss her.

    Thank you so much for choosing to host a Macmillan Coffee Morning in her memory. It's wonderful that you want to support us in this way. Our Coffee Mornings are a really important way for us to raise money and help people affected by cancer.

    I was wondering if you'd like one of our Coffee Morning signatures? It would appear under all of your forum posts to let people know that you're hosting an event. It would look like this:

    If you'd like one, just post under here to say so, or email me on community@macmillan.org.uk and I'll add it to your account.