Queen's 2nd Coronation

  • Worse pain


    Little update, I am having a down day not sure why wasn't when I woke up it seems to of crept up on me over the morning.

    Dad had his last of 5 Radiotherapy sessions yesterday and has been doing ok on it but the pan has been getting a bit worse I think and so today he is calling his nurse for advice and also to suss out what happens now as we don't have another appointment booked or anything planned so radiotherapy…

  • To add a selfish about me blog


    Not said this out loud or to anyone but feel the need and I guess here is the place to put it.

    I have been with my OH for over two years we are very happy together and moved in together after 6 months.  I am 30 and really keen to get married and have children, I think he is too but enjoys winding me up about it.

    I am finding more and more playing on my mind what if my dad dies before he walkes me down the aisle, before…

  • 3rd August update


    Well thnigs have moved on, dad has NSCLC spread to the ilium and sarcum which is causing pressure on the nerve and causing massive pain in one leg, he starts radiotherapy tomorrow for 5 days to hopefully shring the tumour and reduce the pain but we have been told worse could come first and no benefits for 6 weeks. I hope it isn't too bad as he already has really bad pain - we had the ooh doctor to give a morphine injection…

  • First blog


    Well I decided to blog.

    My dad is 56 and been diagnosed with cancer, most likely lung cancer primary with mets on both adrenal glands and bone mets the ilium and sacrum.

    He is suffering no symptoms other than pain from teh bone cancer and this pain is bad, he is on a mix of pain killers including morphine but they aren't really working.  We have an appointment on Friday which mum and dad have asked me to attend as…