3rd August update

1 minute read time.

Well thnigs have moved on, dad has NSCLC spread to the ilium and sarcum which is causing pressure on the nerve and causing massive pain in one leg, he starts radiotherapy tomorrow for 5 days to hopefully shring the tumour and reduce the pain but we have been told worse could come first and no benefits for 6 weeks. I hope it isn't too bad as he already has really bad pain - we had the ooh doctor to give a morphine injection on Monday night as he was so bad.

Iain Reine have been amazing as has hayley the specialist nurse at Stoke Mandeville.  We have a disabled badge, benefit forms to complete and also a hospital type bed coming today.  The Iain reine nurse upped his morphine yesterday and it sems to of made him heaps more comfortable so i hope this remain at least for the start of his treatment.

I am really struggling not to feel bad for doing normal thing and enjoying my horse even though dad keeps on at me to do so.  It feels wrong to be out doing knowing he is stuck pretty much in bed in pain

Everything crossed for a sucessfull 5 day treatment!

  • FormerMember

    I know how you feel, I too feel lost when I'm not with dad and feel guilty for 'enjoying' myself.  Your dad is right though, he will want you to continue with your life and be happy.

    Fingers crossed the radiotherapy goes well xx