Worse pain

1 minute read time.

Little update, I am having a down day not sure why wasn't when I woke up it seems to of crept up on me over the morning.

Dad had his last of 5 Radiotherapy sessions yesterday and has been doing ok on it but the pan has been getting a bit worse I think and so today he is calling his nurse for advice and also to suss out what happens now as we don't have another appointment booked or anything planned so radiotherapy is now done what next?!  We have been told he will have chemo so I guess he will have that next but not sure if they will want to leave a gap before starting or if they will scan to see if Radiotherapy has done anything or what.

Why does it always end up a waiting game of not knowing what is going on.....

I have half had a chat with OH about my selfish previous blog and think I made things clear and left it for him to ponder.  I think as many of you kindly suggest he perhaps already had it in his mind too.  All came about as my younger brother has annonced he plans to ask his GF to marry him so was an ideal way to bring it up!

I am trying to be normal and continue with my normal life but it is a struggle to feel motivated.

So many of you on here are brilliant inspiration and really help pick me up so thank you x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya,

    The curse of having Cancer, yes it the waiting for Tests,and  the result of treatment or biopsy. But as you say normal what is normal. But believe me you will get throught it.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, We all have down days... par for the course i'm afraid, but luckily they are not all down...

    I'm also  with you there on the waiting game.. drives you nuts! Well done for bringing up the subject with OH too.... let us know if he gets the hint enough to do something.... actually, I think it might be a leap year next year, so you could always do it if he doesn't ha ha...

    Hang in there....

    Love and a bih hug

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Morning angel,

    I'm sorry your dad is a little rough today, they do say that radiotherapy is painful for a while after don't they??  Definitely call the nurse though and also his specialist to see when his next appointment is.  He will still have a plan but they're not always good at letting you know are they.  Where did they aim the radiotherapy again?

    Fingers crossed your OH says "come on my love i cannot wait, I want to marry you now!"

    Keep in touch, sorry if I don't email back straight away, I don't have it on all the time and have to open email to get new ones :) xxx

  • Hi,

    My husband has just completed a 5 day course of radiotherapy.  His next appointment with Oncologist to discuss chemo. is in a months time.  I thought this was rather a long time so queried it.  We were told radiotherapy continues to "do its stuff" for up to 3 weeks and the effects can become worse (which they have), hence the wait.

    Doesn't make it any easier but I think it would help if they tell you what they are thinking.

    Take care

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Thank you all so much, dad spoke to the cancer nurse yesterday and his next appointment is the 25th so not too long to wait, he also had Iain Reine in today who spoke with the doctor whilst there and they have upped his morphine morning and night so hopefully he will be a lot better, she also explained to him how big an effect radiotherapy can have on the body all round not just the treatment site so he is a bit more up beat about it.

    I am much better again today went for a lovely long hack on my horse last night in the woods which always cheers me up.

    Thank you all again for the support, this site really is amazing. :)
