First blog

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Well I decided to blog.

My dad is 56 and been diagnosed with cancer, most likely lung cancer primary with mets on both adrenal glands and bone mets the ilium and sacrum.

He is suffering no symptoms other than pain from teh bone cancer and this pain is bad, he is on a mix of pain killers including morphine but they aren't really working.  We have an appointment on Friday which mum and dad have asked me to attend as well and this will tell us the results of the bone biopsy and therefore the type and stage of the cancer - although I have already sussed out he is a stage 4.  I hope it isn't an aggresive type but fear the worst.  I am hoping in hte appointment we can address the pain issue and get a new plan in place for that as well as a treatment plan.

Not sure why I am writing all this down but feels like I should..........more after Friday

  • FormerMember


    my dad had kidney cancer with mets to lungs and bones(spine and hip). he was given radiotherapy as he got pains in his legs which def helped and also had bone infusions which helped plug any gaps and corrosion of bones

    good luck with your blog and sending u lots of hugs

    wendie xx

  • FormerMember


    My thoughts are with you your Dad Mum and Family. I hope

    all goes well on Friday and your Dad can get some pain relief.  Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.x

  • FormerMember

    Hello there

    I know why you're writing this blog.  It's for exactly the same reason we all write one - to get things off your chest and to tell people who know exactly what you're going through how you feel.  You'll find a lot of caring people on this site.

    My John had (and is still having) a lot of trouble with pain relief so I do hope they get it sorted out for your dad soon.  There are a lot of alternatives and I think we're almost there now (crossing fingers and everything else).

    Take care and don't forget to post on your blog.  We're all here for you.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember


    Agree whith whats been said - both about the need to share, it really does help and often by writing you thoughts, and fears down, it concentrates the mind  on the important aspect. Its also good to know you are not alone and so many are on the same road.

    It may save some heart searching  by giving short cuts to the solutions they found, or at least gives you some points to raise on Friday.

    As Twizz, Wendy has mentioned an effective pain relief is localised radio therapy  to the bone. Not needed it yet but it has been suggested as a solution for the future.

    Hope you get some positive answers on Friday

    Hugs John xx

  • FormerMember

    my mum has lung cancer and secondary brain cancer. Its hard watching someone you love go through pain. Hope you and your dad get some support with the pain soon. Good luck