Angie's thoughts

  • Fit & well as I head towards 2 year anniversary


    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to drop a line as I haven't had much time to be on the site recently due to a busy domestic life!

    I'm coming up to the 2 year anniversary of when the melanoma returned in my lymph nodes (13 years after the primary mole was removed) & I'm very happy to say that I am still feeling fit & healthy & my consultant is very happy with my rude health! I just wanted newly diagnosed members on the…

  • Stressed & feeling selfish


    Last week my 82yr old aunt was told her ovarian cancer from 3 yrs ago had returned & was now in her liver & lung. She is in hospital & has been given weeks to live. After her original surgery (which they botched) she was so disheartened she stopped treatment half way through her chemo & discharged herself from further checkups so it's no surprise it's returned.

    I thought I could deal with this…

  • Part 2 of frustrating days....


    Or should I say a frustrating week -

    Today I got up to find that the food in the freezer was half de-frosted - probably because the plug was hanging half out of the socket because I must have caught it with the ironing board yesterday!

    Then I turned on my mobile to receive a message from my mum that my 21yr old niece had been rushed into hospital last night with suspected appendicitis. My niece is graduating from York…

  • Having one of those frustrating days.....


    In the grand scheme of things it was nothing, but when hot, tired and busy it was becoming the straw that broke the camel's back!

    Yesterday morning I awoke to find that the insect bite on my arm, received whilst doing the Race, looked like a large archery board regardless of the antibiotic cream I had been using. So it was a trip to the docs morning surgery (no appointment necessary) where I had to sit with the…



    Good luck to all those who, like me, are doing the Race For Life today.

    Special good wishes to Barb - show Plymouth what you are made of!

    Thanks Marsha for your words of encouragement - I'm not sure I will be running like the wind - more chance of passing it than running it !