Stressed & feeling selfish

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Last week my 82yr old aunt was told her ovarian cancer from 3 yrs ago had returned & was now in her liver & lung. She is in hospital & has been given weeks to live. After her original surgery (which they botched) she was so disheartened she stopped treatment half way through her chemo & discharged herself from further checkups so it's no surprise it's returned.

I thought I could deal with this but unfortunately everything seems to be becoming a big deal. Along with taking my 86yr old mother-in-law to her geriatric psychiatric appointments, ferrying relatives around to the various hospitals & getting a parking ticket at the hospital, last week was rounded off with a BANG - literally - when there was a gas explosion at the only entrance to our estate. The resulting 40ft flames, which took almost a day to extinguish, cut off access to 100+ houses & also our phones & internet access for the whole weekend.  

By Sunday my stress levels blew & I woke up fighting to breathe. Since then I've been crying at the slightest thing, my breathing appears shallow & I keep getting a tightening in my chest. When it came to visiting my auntie on Monday I just couldn't do it because watching her die before my eyes in the same hospital I was in exactly a year ago just makes me face up to my own mortality - the image that I've managed to shut off for a year has now been roughly pushed in front of my eyes. I feel so selfish & I know that she, my 86yr old uncle & my parents need me there but I just can't do it at the moment. They've all been so understanding & they urge me to stay away until I'm happy I can deal with it but as each day goes by I feel worse rather than better.

How can I stop the vicious spiral I find myself in?


  • FormerMember

    Oh hunni, with everything that's going on it's no wonder you're displaying classic symptoms of anxiety.  I could suggest a 1,000,001 cures, but for a short term solution to the aunty, do you have a friend that could take you to the hospital?  Someone that you feel comfortable, safe and secure with?  It might be a short term fix and then get along to your GP.

    Marsha xx

  • FormerMember

    hey angie, i agree with marsha, but to add to what she said i think you need to go to gp asap , it sounds like your having something similar or panic attacks and with medication you could really be helped ,

    your trying to do so much and sometimes your body tells you to slow down , what your going through is so scary so you will be stuggling, sorry but you are only human ,

    please take care huni ,im here if you need me hugs jenni xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Angie, it sounds as if your body is warning you to be kind to yourself, so please don't ignore it. You've got a lot to cope with, and as Jenni and Marsha say your GP may be able to help. I hope you feel better soon. Val X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Angie,

    Ditto what Marsha,Jenni, and Val, has said. You have yourself to look after,and anxiety is the last thing you need to cope with. Nip along and see your

    Doc, and have a chat.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love

  • FormerMember

    hi angie

    sometimes it seems the whole world is against you. take time to get yourself  feeling better and before you know you will be in controll again,I have been there you are not the first to be overwhelmed nor i am afraid the last ,so dont beat yourself up you need looking after too. I hope you are soon feeling  better lots of love plum duff