Angie's thoughts

  • Angie's thoughts


    Has anyone else suffered from an irritating cough after surgery?

    I started with a tickly cough (which I am sometimes prone to) a few days after a 3 hour op. I was told it's a side effect of the tube used during the general anaesthetic but I still have the cough 6 weeks later. I have spent a lot of time sitting or lying down due to the location of the surgery & I wondered if that is not helping the cough clear up. Can…

  • Walking on cloud 9


    I can't believe my scan came back CLEAR! No change since last November & no sign of any mets in my head/spine. I am so relieved & thankful for all the support everyone has given me & I'm sure someone up there is looking down on me!

    It's amazing how stress & anxiety can manifest itself. I didn't even think I was stressed - I thought I was handling events of the last 9 months quite well but…

  • Christmas Catholic


    I haven't been to church since I was in my late teens, although I sometimes go on Christmas Day, and that is why my hubby has nicknamed me a Christmas Catholic!

    Well since being diagnosed with the return of melanoma in the summer I have increasingly felt the need to start going back to church, and so I made the effort yesterday. I am so glad I dd now, not really for my benefit but for my parents. You see it was announced…

  • Superstitious number 13


    I have just been reading JaneyG's profile & blog about Friday 13th and it got me thinking.

    I have always had an irrational fear of the number 13. For as long as I can remember I have always avoided that  number, to the extent that, when reading a book I will NEVER put it down on a page containing the number 13 or 31 or 1 & 3 anywhere therein! This can cause undue stress as I have been known to be late for work…

  • The saga goes on...


    Yet another bad day in my household - what a surprise! Got to go pick up my 73yr old father this afternoon after he has had a basal cell carcinoma removed from his forehead. Also just found out that my brother has found a mole on his chest that has changed & he is waiting for an appointment with the specialist - he had a dysplastic mole removed 8 years ago. Now I have just received a call from my GP with the results of…