
  • PLEASE Please i need help now!!! Miracle or not??



    If anyone has read my previous posts you may know why i need your help.

    In dec 09 dad has a biopsy on a tumor in his armpit. Doc told us then he was 99'/. sure it was lymphatic cancer and was easily treated. 


    On xmas eve dad was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was given weeks to live. 6-12 months with chemo. We have been completely heartbroken.

    We then found…

  • Dad is in hospital now. This is all moving so fast that my head is just spinning!


    Dad was taken into hospital last night due to him coughing up blood and apparently his white cells were up a little. We don't really know any more. his doctor will be round to see him today so hopefully we will know more then. I really hope it is not an infection cause we had it spelt out to us just how dangerous that could be! I am spending so much time worrying its hard to be positive. x

  • Hi Chemo starting next week-Really really scared!


    Hi Everyone, Hope you are all doing as well as possible.

    My darling, handsome dad starts his chemo on Thurs 14th and i am so scared about what will happen.

    At the moment when the doctors talk about his illness they could be talking about someone else- he just appears so bright and well.

    I am worried that by the end of next week he may actually be poorly.

    I know this sounds silly but you would not believe me when i…

  • I really don't want 2010 to arrive.


    Am i the only 1? I have had a horrible xmas finding out my dads news but the way i look at it at this very moment in time 'he is well'. His chemo doesn't start until 14th Jan and i know that this is when i will see a change in him.  So i know it sounds silly because i know my dad is terminally ill but at the moment i am quite happy to stay exactly where we are. He is showing no signs and he is just my dad. 

  • My dad is my hero


    We took my dad into hospital for a biopsy 2 weeks ago as he had a lump under his arm, the following week he had a ct scan and xmas eve we got the news. The news couldn't be much worse. My dad has lung cancer and it has already spread. He has been told (i cant believe im writing this) without treatment he only has a matter of weeks and with treatment he may have up to 12 months IF it works. I dont know what to say/do,…