pheonixx2's blog

  • Op tomorrow

    Hi everybody, Just to let you know that I am due in to the hospital 8am in the morning for the Wide Local Excision, skin graft and Sentinal Node Biopsy. Having the radioactive dye in the morning and then op etc in the afternoon but don't know what time yet! I will be off the computer for at least a week so take care everyone, I will be thinking of you all on your individual journeys. A very nervous pheonix lol! xxx…
  • Now what???

    Hi there, I am now counting down to my WLE,skin graft and sentinal node biopsy for Weds and starting to get the collywobbles just thinking about it so you can imagine how I feel when just opening up my post this morning. I am in receipt of Council Tax/Housing Benefit (already claiming because of low income BEFORE all this happened). Because my situation has changed so much in the last month or so - daughter going to…
  • Amazing what a difference a day makes!!

    Some of you may already know that I had tried to activate the insurance cover on a loan that I took out in February. After paying the monthly repayments for the first few months after starting this roller-coaster journey I realised that I would not be back at work for a longer time than I had anticipated so rang to activate this. I was asked why I hadn't done so earlier and said that ever the optomist I had hoped everything…
  • Why can't they be consistant???

    At the risk of sounding like good old Victor Meldrew "I don't BELIEVE it"!!!! Today my friend and I made the long trek to the hospital where I will be having my surgery, for my Pre-Op Assess Clinic appointment. As the nurse went through all the paperwork I asked her the question I have asked each Consultant since diagnosis "how long will I be in?". The first Consultant at my local hospital had told me 2/3 days. The…
  • Something to consider

    Hell everyone. I know from reading these blogs and 'talking' to many that sometimes things just get that bit too much. I was sent this today and it really resonated with me and thought it might be of help here Courage Do not become discouraged in the face of adversity. Understand that the bigger the heart, the bigger the obstacles it is asked to accomodate. Sending you all big hugs Take care pheonix xxx …