Now what???

2 minute read time.
Hi there, I am now counting down to my WLE,skin graft and sentinal node biopsy for Weds and starting to get the collywobbles just thinking about it so you can imagine how I feel when just opening up my post this morning. I am in receipt of Council Tax/Housing Benefit (already claiming because of low income BEFORE all this happened). Because my situation has changed so much in the last month or so - daughter going to Uni so no longer have a 'dependent' so benefit goes down, no longer in receipt of family allowance so income goes down even more, landlord putting the rent up after two years (no problem with that as he has kindly kept it the same for over 2 years just timing sucks!) and then the mm dx . Quite a lot I think you would agree! I have kept the HB dept informed of all the changes but when I told them about the rent increase ( extra £45 a month from October) they said they couldn't change my benefit until APRIL 2009 as my rent had been assessed already by the independant rent office this April (an assessment made LAST year by the way!) so I would have to pay the increase on top of my contribution towards my rent until then. MEANWHILE, when I went off work to have my original Op I wasn't sure if I was entitled to any pay because I was classed as 'Bank worker' which means you work as and when needed (but worked continuously for 2 years). HB suggested at the time I try for Income Support which I put in motion in August. I am now getting SSP from work so on the advice of the MacMillan financial help people rang and told the local Jobcentre so they would stop the IS claim. I did this on Friday and they said that they had already been informed but had sent me out a form about the marital house in Essex (wanted to know how much is it worth etc). I have told all depts that my estranged husband still lives there and there is no plan to sell in the near future. Well, today I have received a letter from HB saying that they have been informed by the Workds and Pensions Dept that he lives with me HERE and want to see documentation of his earnings, what date he moved in,NI no. WHAT????? HE lives in Essex, works for the local Council and lives in the marital home. I live in SOMERSET!! We have an amicable relationship, there was no animosity when I left over 2 years ago and he comes down and stays now and again to see our daughter etc. Why have I now got this pressure on top of everything else prove he doesn't live here?? Why have the Works and Pensions Dept even implied that he does?? GRRRRRR!!!!! Sorry, just wanted to let off steam, as Rose has said in a previous blog why do these things happen on Friday's/weekends when you are left to stew until Monday? Take care pheonix xxx
  • Hi Phoenix,

    As you say, you could do without all this extra pressure just before you go in for surgery. These Civil (or uncivil) Servants can drive you up the wall. Mind you, they do have a completely different mindset caused by the rigid structures governing their jobs. I worked as a Civil Servant for a brief time and could not believe how their systems left absolutely no room for personal initiative. I have also been the subject of a 'man search' when claiming benefits. A man arrived at my door and demanded to see around the house for evidence of a 'man' who might be supporting me. (There wasn't one.) Beds were looked in and under, wardrobes were searched, bathroom cabinets were inspected (to look for... what? Razors? Shaving foam? I have been known to shave my legs!) This was back in the 1960's so I do hope you won't be subjected to similar humiliation.

    You say your 'estranged' husband - are you legally separated? If you are not, then the powers-that-be may have some leverage to claim support from your husband. Do you have a solicitor acting for you? I realise cost may be a factor but perhaps a visit to the Citizens Advice Bureaux will point you in the right direction. I do wish you luck and will be thinking of you on Wednesday.



  • FormerMember

    This should not be happening at this time.  It's horrible to think that they are wasting tax-payers' money snooping around like this when you are under so much stress.  I certainly don't think they would be entitled to do a "Man Search" these days - sounds like the 1920s Means Test where they looked to see if you had a kitchen table! - but I can see that this is going to cause a lot of stress for you.  I think the Citizen's Advice Bureau is an excellent idea, as I imagine the DSS are going to start pestering you about who owns the house your husband is living in.  This website highlights not only inequalities in cancer treatment but also in social conditions that really should NOT be occurring in 2008.  xxxxxx Penny

    PS - Good luck, Phoenix with the treatment.  Be thinking of you.  xxx

    PPS -  Economy tip:  we lose loads of heat through our heads.  I've just got a fake-fur lined cap with ear-flaps.  Yes, I look a 'right 'un' in it, but I'm wearing it at home on cold days and finding that I don't need the central heating on.  Rather hoping I continue to get hot flushes this winter!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Phoenix - surely the HB person must be talking through the top of their very stupid hat!! HB are FOREVER telling us that we MUST inform them of ANY changes which would affect the amount of benefits we receive, so it stands to reason that you have complied with your part of this particular bargain. If your circumstances change, and you inform the HB office of this change, then the rest is up to them. I swear these people are picked not by merit as in other jobs, but by their level of stupidity LOL I think they send them to "STOOPID CAMP" somewhere in darkest Peru, and they emerge fully sprung at the desks of benefits agencies everywhere, lol Do you have a local hospice near to where you live? If you do, you could ring and ask to speak to their social worker. They can be worth their weight in gold in terms of how they can help with stuff like HB.  I wish you luck, with love         kate       xxxx