pheonixx2's blog

  • Beginning to feel paranoid!!

    Is it just me or are there others having similar problems? Last week when I first met my Melanoma Nurse (after apologising to me about being left 5 weeks before I saw/spoke to anyone after my diagnosis) she gave me her contact number so I could ring her if I was worried or needed information. We also discussed the need for me to cut down the amount of visits I had to make because of the distance etc. She said she would…
  • And so it continues......

    Postman brought my letter from the hospital with my "imminent" appt for my surgery this morning. It's for 29th October.... a whole MONTH after seeing the Consultant from hell and he telling me it would be imminent, within the next 2 weeks. I also had another enclosed letter from the Pre-Op Assessmnet clinic to go in on the 13th for my tests. I am SO fed up, it feels as if everything that was discussed with the Melanoma…
  • Not impressed!

    I have not been able to access the internet since Mon afternoon and have been to Essex for father-in-law's funeral and just got back, hence why I have not posted for a while. Well, after 5 weeks of waiting to see the Plastic Surgeon who is going to do my Sentinal Lymph Node Biopsy/skin graft the day came finally on Monday. My wonderful friend came and stayed the night before so we could set off early for my appt in Exeter…
  • Father-in-Law passed away today

    My personal situation is a bit unusual but need to explain before I go any further. I left the marital home 2 years ago after 30 years of marriage to come and live in Somerset (was living in Essex at the time). It was a necessary break for me although still loved husband and he me but due to life/circumstances at the time we couldn't carry on as we were. Our youngest daughter came with me purely because she wanted to…
  • A Blog 'Virgin' lol!

    I have never had a 'Blog' before so please bear with me as this is all new! I will give you a background to why I am here. Last year I was getting terrible pain in the heel of my right foot. I couldn't see why but it got so bad that I went to my GP who diagnosed Plantar Facsiatis(inflammation of ligament in calf to foot). As I worked at the local hospital he said it was common in NHS workers who were on their feet all…