Why can't they be consistant???

2 minute read time.
At the risk of sounding like good old Victor Meldrew "I don't BELIEVE it"!!!! Today my friend and I made the long trek to the hospital where I will be having my surgery, for my Pre-Op Assess Clinic appointment. As the nurse went through all the paperwork I asked her the question I have asked each Consultant since diagnosis "how long will I be in?". The first Consultant at my local hospital had told me 2/3 days. The Consultant from Hell at THIS hospital told me 2 weeks ago "Oh, just a day". The nurse today said " 5 days" (whaaaattttt?). This is now getting absolutely ridiculous. She explained that I will be on total bed rest for the first two days and my foot in plaster. I will not be allowed to put my foot on the ground for 3 weeks and I will be on crutches for up to 6 weeks!!!!! AND, that's only if the skin graft 'takes'. If when they check it on the 5th day it hasn't then I have to start all over again! By my calculations that makes it about 10th Dec before I can hobble about without crutches ( that's if everything goes well). Considering I had my diagnosis on 12th Aug this is just such a LONG time to be out of action. My friend and I explained all the things that have not been handled properly at this hospital and she strongly advised us to put it in writing. She was appalled and embarrassed about how I have been treated. My friend picked up a PALS leaflet on the way out. The nurse also explained that I will have to walk down to the Nuclear Medicine dept the morning of the Op and told me that I would be having 4-5 injections along the length of the scar. I asked if a local anaesthetic would be applied because she warned me this would be extremely painful but apparently this is not offered! My scar runs across my right inner ankle bone, no flesh to pad it out and an area full of nerve endings. I asked her why would they put someone through that kind of pain without offering some way of relieving it? That to me sounded like torture! She just shrugged her shoulders. I then asked about how will the opening in my groin be dressed. She then said it might not be in my groin but anywhere between my knee and inner thigh! This was news to me again! Everyone has told me it will be my groin! I give up, no one is being consistant with the info. Hysterically, after telling me all this information she was concerned that my blood pressure was up when she took a reading! I did say you really didn't think it would be 'normal' after all we have just discussed???? Oh well, tomorrow's another day! Take care pheonix xxx
  • FormerMember

    Why is this situation so typical in hospitals its just not on.  I have been told by nurse that i will be in for 5 days then someone else said 3, if you see a different consultant at clinic you get told different things from your main consultant - they have notes why dont they take a moment to read them!  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr   - Can one insist on a local jab to numb the pain of the main shots to the ankle that is a non fleshy part of the body.  They give you one for breast that takes two seconds to work before they take biopsy so why not the ankle before those painful injections.  Oh I am so sorry to hear of this frustation its scary enough having to have this condition in the first place.  No wonder your blood pressure went up.  

    Will be thinking of you on operation day and hope you can complain about it all to the hospital.

    Big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Hey Pheonix,

    Are you sure you're not writing some new medical sitcom?  

    I am speechless!  Truly!