Op tomorrow

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Hi everybody, Just to let you know that I am due in to the hospital 8am in the morning for the Wide Local Excision, skin graft and Sentinal Node Biopsy. Having the radioactive dye in the morning and then op etc in the afternoon but don't know what time yet! I will be off the computer for at least a week so take care everyone, I will be thinking of you all on your individual journeys. A very nervous pheonix lol! xxx
  • FormerMember

    Good turns deserve others, and you're always quick off the mark to offer cheering words to others.  All the very best (sorry this is a bit late) and tell us all about it!

    Catriona xx

  • FormerMember

          Will be thinking of you tomorrow, sure you will be fine, get in there and get it over with,

          you have had enoth mucking around these past weeks what with one thing and another.

          We on WHAT-NOW [and all the members you have always been so kind too in your replys]

          i am sure with me send you all our LOVE and MASSIVE HUGS. w ill miss you. hurry back.

                  LOVE PATRICIA.  XXXXXXX