
  • Nearly halfway through chemo!


    Hi all, third chemo next wednesday will be halfway through yeah! I mainly feel really good even though lots of people keep telling be it will get so much worse, not very helpful and obviously we are all different, still make the most of feeling good and doing lots incase things do change. I even love my wig, my hair has thinned but no bald patches yet so hopefully the coldcap is doing its job. My wig is so much easier…

  • Short hair and wearing wig!!!


    My hair had been coming out for a week was really getting me down as longish and very dark so there seems to be hair everywhere, even in the dishwasher! Decided this morning to get my lovely hubby to cut it much shorter and start wearing my wig,  I dreaded it and we were both really nervous but thank goodness I did I feel so much better and back in control! Has to be a bonus at the moment, can't control much else x

  • 2 chemo's down 4 to go!


    Hi had my second fec chemo yesterday not too bad they found a vein more easily and were able to administer the drugs more quickly. Still used the coldcap even though my hair has been coming out lots since Sunday I still thought it worth a try! Not feeling too bad today but fingers crossed don't want to jinx myself.  Hope you lovely people are getting on ok, take care x

  • still waiting for hair to fall out!


    2 weeks after first chemo and apart from first 3 days have felt absolutely fine which I appreciate and am so grateful for, make the most of any good days. But I worry all the time about if and when my hair will start falling out, I used the coldcap and sometimes manage to convince myself I will be one of the lucky ones and not loose it then I read others comments about losing it 2 weeks after their first chemo and worry…

  • 1st chemo


    Had my first chemo yesterday, used the cold cap which I found really easy and not uncomfortable almost good to have a distraction!Didn't find the chemo quite so easy my chemo nurse said I have very small veins and my body went into fight of flight mode meaning the blood was pumping round my vital organs but not so much in my arms, meant the chemo was really slow going in just the first one took longer that all the drugs…