1st chemo

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Had my first chemo yesterday, used the cold cap which I found really easy and not uncomfortable almost good to have a distraction!Didn't find the chemo quite so easy my chemo nurse said I have very small veins and my body went into fight of flight mode meaning the blood was pumping round my vital organs but not so much in my arms, meant the chemo was really slow going in just the first one took longer that all the drugs would normally take to adminiister. Not surprised its the drugs going in and not knowing the effect is my biggest fear, I like to be in control and obviously can't be with the chemo. Feeling ok today, fingers crossed. One comment about the cold cap I went in which lovely blowdried hair and came out with frizz, looks even worse today, may wear my wig when I get it even if I still have my hair. Can anyone help I think I may not be using this site correctly have sent private messages to friends and commented on things but none seem to show!Just me being thick I guess xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Pauline - the first is always the worst. Fingers crossed the cold cap works and you continue to feel OK.

    Corrine x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pauline,

    You are using the sight correctly,but you may find that you get the odd blip now and again. Keep going you will soon get the hang of it. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi pauline well done first one over im going for my 2nd one next week again havent been as bad as i thought i was going to be just went with it day by day have suffered the sicky feeling but its been more like a full feeling by the end of the day and was forced to be sick also the steroids made me look like a lobster and had terrible hot flushes i had constipation first and then 2 awful days of the runs great eh but it all seemed to die down and this week feel like my old self did have a terrible sore arm for 3 days after the infusion though so i might ask for a line to be put in because i was in so much pain as for my hair i have cut it really short last night it was so lank and looked awful it has gone thinner so i guess it wont be long till its gone and i will just shave it off not looking forward to that one girl anyway hun i hope you sail through it the tiredness you just have to give in one minute i was cleaning away the next i was snoozing away on the couch so onwards we go take care and any questions we are always here loads of love jen xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Pauline you are over the first one which is the worst at least now you know what to expect,I am having my second chemo next friday, when i went for my first session i was so frightened i started crying before they did anything, The first week i had all the expected side effects but mildly,and as the days go on they settle down, We are all different but a lot of people find its not as bad as they thought it was going to be, so chin up join this very exclusive club of extraordinary people who will give all the love support you could need LOL Lynxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Your comments about the cold cap were interesting - not that I needed one.

    Re your private messages:

    1. Select - Send Private Message

    2. Put in subject, type message, send

    3. Allow time for it to appear on site.

    4. Go to the top right hand side of this site and find underneath My Home - Private Messages - it is quite small.

    5. Click Private Messages.

    6. The messages you have sent appear on top - answers are below - which can be confusing lol.

    When you look at the top right under My Home if new unread messages are waiting for you then there is the number of them next to it.

    If none of this works for you then I feel you have a problem which only Admin can sort when you tell them your problem.

    Good luck - and hope the hair comes right soon.

    Jan xx