Nearly halfway through chemo!

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Hi all, third chemo next wednesday will be halfway through yeah! I mainly feel really good even though lots of people keep telling be it will get so much worse, not very helpful and obviously we are all different, still make the most of feeling good and doing lots incase things do change. I even love my wig, my hair has thinned but no bald patches yet so hopefully the coldcap is doing its job. My wig is so much easier than my own hair I think I will probably moan more when I have to go back to washing and blowdrying my own hair!

Hope you are all doing well, enjoy the sunshine and stay positive, Love Pauline x

  • FormerMember

    aw bless hun im so happy you are feeling well on it wish i was but hey went up to the docs and sun was shining thought my legs were going to pack in half way there but i made it there and back and all the crocus are out in the chrchyard so when i find out how to put a picture on my blog i will they were so pretty makes you feel glad to be alive !!!!

    love and hugs jen xxxx