
  • Radiotherapy


    Hi start  radiotherapy on 13th June for breast cancer and wondered if anyone has any top tips? also read that for the rest of my life will have to wear factor 60 on the treated area and wondered if everyone has stuck to this advice, any tips would be great, thanks, Pauline



    Just got back from hospital after last chemo, I got there! Donated a ships bell to the unit, an end of chemo bell to be rang after last chemo, they were really pleased, got the idea from a ladies blog from America there was a bell which she heard ringing and she eventually asked and found it she would soon be able to ring it, think its a really positive thing and hey if its good enough in USA its good enough here! Love…

  • Last chemo next week!


    Can't believe how quickly it has gone but finally I can say last chemo next week, can't wait to get it over with. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I read a ladies blog from America in the chemo unit where she had her treatment they had a bell that people rang at the end of their last chemo, so I've ordered a ships bell for my chemo unit which I will ring then donate next week.

    Its not the easiest…

  • 4th chemo done, more than halfway there!


    Had 4th chemo done today, not too bad can't believe over halfway through now and can't wait to finish, hasn't been as bad as I thought think the fear of the unknown is worse than actually having the treatment. Obviously the side effects are not great although fingers crossed I have been quite good most of the time. Good luck to anyone else starting or having treatment guess the best we can do is stay positive!…

  • Halfway there!!!


    Yeah I had my third chemo yesterday can't believe I  am half way there, I know lots of people on her said it would go quickly and thank goodness it does! Fingers crossed I am still feeling fine, side effects even less than the last times, of course they may kick in later so I'm not counting my chickens just yet.

    I think staying positive and keeping as healthy as possible helps also my alternative stuff I take…