Pat's Carcinoid Blog

  • Light in the tunnel


    Today we went for the next injection of Octreotide for Pat's Carcinoid Tumour. We waited on the unit for about an hour afterwards in case he was sick and he did not react at all. He felt so good that we stopped off on the way home for a bite to eat. When we got back he slept for a couple of hours and then said he felt fine apart from some soreness around the injection site. This has given him some hope that he will be…

  • Winter wonderland.


    Well here we are 3 weeks through the next 4 week period before the next injections. Pat has been quite good and not sick at all apart from one episode and his Buccal tablets stopped it. They go between the gum and teeth and dissolve gradually. They were given by our GP and seem to work well. He still gets rather tired and short of breathe at times but is improved overall.

    LIfe brings other peripheral challenges like…

  • Another Monday


    Well, it's Monday morning and Pat has been quite good for the past 3 days. He still gets a bit tired and has to contend with the problems of his Parkinsons and Diabetes, but he has not been sick and has been able to go out on his own on his scooter. It is now a week since his last Octreotide injection and things are looking promising.

  • The Full Monty


    Well, we went to the hospital today for Pat to have the full dose of Octreotide. It was quite painful and the nurse offered to do two doses next time as the needle is smaller but Pat said he would rather get it over in one. He asked her if she could go to a different plumbers merchant and get a smaller drainpipe next time! He has a marvellous sense of humour.

    We were allowed home straight away and I had to pull over…

  • Quite a good day at clinic.


    Today went quite well at the hospital. Pat made a short list of things he wanted to ask. It is what he calls his 'Aide memoire' as his memory with Parkinsons is not so good nowadays at times. We go in as a couple but it is his  consultation and I only chip in is he asks me or at the end if there are any other questions that I want to ask.

    The plan is to continue with the Octreotide injections and now go up to…