Light in the tunnel

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Today we went for the next injection of Octreotide for Pat's Carcinoid Tumour. We waited on the unit for about an hour afterwards in case he was sick and he did not react at all. He felt so good that we stopped off on the way home for a bite to eat. When we got back he slept for a couple of hours and then said he felt fine apart from some soreness around the injection site. This has given him some hope that he will be able to have some quality of life. We are realistic about his situation with all his other illnesses, but it was still a good day. 

  • FormerMember

    Day two and I knew as soon as we got up that Pat was going to have an off day. He is feeling grotty and fast asleep as I type this. We know this will probably pass in a day our so, so fingers crossed. Looking back over the past month compared to the many months before when he was so ill we do feel on balance that the treatment has improved things. We can get out together for a couple of hours now before he becomes exhausted and the sickness is definitely less. It is a roller coaster, but we will make the best of things.

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Nic,

    I think of you and wish you well as you have been so kind and constant in your concern for us, even though you have trials of your own. I thank you so much for that. 

    The next 2 days after the injection he was rough and then he was fine again. I think he feels that he can put up with a couple of sh*t days a month if the rest is OK. We can just plan around that. We were chatting this am and remembering that last year things got so bad that he was barely able to go out at all for most of the year, so things are on the up.

    Panda xx

  • FormerMember

    This morning we received an appointment on Feb 28th to see the Carcinoid Oncologist at the Norfolk & Norwich Hopsital. He is an expert in this field and Pat was originally referred to him. Unfortunately he was on sick leave at the time but is now back at work. Although our Oncologist has been caring for Pat, she did explain that she would be discussing him with 'her boss', who is now back off sick leave. The appointment came a bit out of the blue, but we are pleased to be seeing him and getting his expert opinion. We wonder if there will be further treatment plans, because otherwise we would have kept to the one already in place at our local hospital. I will keep you posted. 

  • FormerMember


    Good luck for the appointment, I hope it's good news for Pat.


    Colin xxx