Pat's Carcinoid Blog

  • Tough guy holding on


    Just a brief update.


    Pat is holding on and is able to nod, head shake, hand squeeze and knows we are there. He has had a Physio assessment and they have agreed for OTs to start some very basic rehab like washing his face with his unaffected hand. Although his outcome may be poor, because he has good understanding of his situation I think this is appropriate to give him some quality of life, for however long that is…

  • The final journey


    Pat suffered a massive stroke last Thursday. He is in Hyperacute care in hospital. We have been told that all that can now be done, as Thrombolosis has not worked, is care for him palliativley on the unit.

    Thank you everyone who is following this blog and have given me support. 

  • Blue lights - again!


    Pat spent 2 nights in hospital last weekend due to severe chest pain. It was in fact a bad Angina attack and no further damage has been done to his heart since his heart attack 2 years ago. We have now gained another Consultant who has put him on a slow release nitrate to go with the puffer. He is also doing a 24 home heart monitor test and reviewing him in 6 weeks. Octreotide (chemo for the Carcinoid) can affect the…

  • Being greedy ?


    Pat saw one of his consultants this week and had his injection. He now has 3 Oncology Consultants. We received a letter after seeing the Big Man.  It re scheduled his next appointment to one where there will also be another consultant who is a Research Fellow and expert in Neuroendocrine (Carcinoid) Tumours. She is also a Diabetic Consultant which is great. Now the question is, is Pat being a bit greedy here lol. I have…

  • Seeing the big man


    Pat had his appointment yesterday with the Director of Oncology Dr Kapur.   He was very nice. He explained things very well and said that normally Pat would be a candidate for surgery, but that no surgeon would touch him, (his words), because the risk of surgery was higher than the risk with the tumour. This is because of the Heart and Diabetes.The only time surgery would be considered is as a emergency if the bowel becomes…